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Jan 28, 2010

Apakah Anda Pernah Mengalami Gangguan Tidur Seperti Di Tindih Setan?

Pernah terbangun dari tidur, tapi sulit bergerak ataupun berteriak? dont worry, anda tidak sedang diganggu makhluk halus. Ini penjelasan ilmiahnya.
Pada saat mengalami ini biasanya kita akan sulit sekali bergerak dan kemudian ada sedikit rasa dingin menjalar dari ujung kaki ke seluruh tubuh. Untuk bisa bangun, satu-satunya cara adalah menggerakkan ujung kaki, ujung tangan atau kepala sekencang-kencangnya hingga seluruh tubuh bisa digerakkan kembali,biasanya disertai juga dengan munculnya bayangan kegelapan. Hal inilah yang diasumsikan

Jan 15, 2010

God Has Set Our "Rezeki", Not The Amount But The Requirement Is

My best friend is entitled to the maximum provision,

Let us begin by accepting the formula that has ketetapannya proved since the birth of humanity, that:

We are a small fortune, if we are little value to someone else.
Our provision of, if we are great value for someone else.

And another thing,

Sustenance is not just money.

Provision that covers all the grace of God for us, which could be health, peace, science, family welfare and happiness, reputation, and great influence to promote good and prevent evil.

And the highest value of all sustenance is Faith in God the Almighty.

The Midbrain Activation

Activation of the midbrain is a phenomenal discovery in the education of children. The theory of the actual use of the brain have been carried out in many countries in Asia, especially Japan. Japan has long made the practice of the midbrain activation in young children who have anak.Seorang activated midbrain will have more ability than children who have not in the middle of the brain activation.